Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Poker in the Rear

I was going to try to meet up with my pal Scott G. and a ladyfriend he had in from PA Saturday night. They were going to Coyote Joe's, and after working at the farm all afternoon, I didn't really feel like whoopin' it up at a bar where they play bad 'country' music. If Unknown Hinson or the Bellamy Brothers were playing, I'd be all over it. Plus, the lady was out of town and it's tough getting through that big assed bar with all sorts of womerns fighting over me.

So, Kate called and had decided decided she wanted to learn to play poker. She said she'd cook dinner to Adam and I could teach her to play. Adam grilled a fine piece of chicken on the hair dryer electric grill and Kate whipped up some pasta and marinara and it didn't suck. Follow coworkers and poker veterans Kyle Almond and Tim Baier rolled over to join in the fun. I accidentally deleted the picture of us, but I did get a picture of the $14.99 poker set Kate bought at Target. The chips actually whipped a lot of ass. For the record, Kate won her first ever Texas Hold'em Poker hand with a straight over my two pair.

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