Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Couple of Random Thoughts, Volume I

-I'm headed back to Las Vegas next month for my second NAB show. It's basically an enormous geekfest full of new toys that are absolutely amazing! I plan on spending at least two full days at the show with a couple of items on my agenda.
#1. Look at cool stuff, drool, take pictures, blog about said stuff.
#2. Meet a TON of people with a TON of different companies. I'm bored with work. I got to go to a bank robbery today. That's the most exciting thing I've done in a while. I don't know if it's because I'm working nights and we focus on different things or if I've just shot my share of bank robberies and car accidents. I think I'm pretty good at what I do. I don't get extra creative with my video, but I'll be damned if it's not steady, sequenced, white balanced and in focus. I used to challenge myself with efficiency. For example, how quickly can I shoot this story? Or how quickly can I edit this package, set up three lights and break down the truck? My efficiency has peaked leaving me no other forseeable challenges here in the newsroom. I know many other photographers who absolutely live and breathe shooting news. I don't. I enjoy it, but it's not my life. Sometimes I wish I had the fervor for shooting good tape that others do. The bossman has asked me in my last few reviews if I'd be interested in heading back to the other side of the camera, but I don't really want to. Several times I look at my reporter and think to myself, "I'm glad I'm not a reporter."
I don't know exactly what it is I want to do. I've considered funeral direction on more than one occasion. Dad did it when he was in college and funerals have never bothered me. I've enjoyed more funerals than I've hated. Weird.
Anyway, I'm not heading to Vegas to look for a new job, but perhaps to look for some direction on what to do next. I'm going to talk to people and pick their brains. Oh, I'll probably play some poker, too. I've already promised myself I wouldn't play blackjack after drinking a lot of beer this trip.

-I went to Phat Burrito one night a couple of weeks ago and ran into a gentleman who told me he had become homeless a couple of days before. He said his wife left him, took all of his stuff and hit the road for Wilmington. He looked at my satellite truck and asked if there was any work he could do for the station. I politely told him I couldn't hire him. I couldn't walk away from the man. He was 55 years old and had a look about him that was very sincere. This guy was my dad's age, was standing on Camden St. with blue jeans, a jacket and no clue where he was going to spend the night. I bought the guy a burrito and a sweet tea. I've always had a soft spot for homeless people. I guess it's the Paw Paw in me. I've met so many homeless men and women who were wonderful and sometimes happy people despite having no place to live. I often think of these folks when I feel sorry for myself. I haven't seen the guy from Phat Burrito since that night. I hope he's alright. More later this week...


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog and you seem like a funny guy with a knack for writing. How about improv or comedy...maybe still photography? Not a career...but maybe that helps with direction?

Anonymous said...

I think you'd be great at consoling grieving families and attending to the "social" aspects of a funeral. I just can't see you embalming dead bodies. Not that you couldn't do it, but I suspect you wouldn't really like it.

In my opinion, you're really a news guy. You've probably just outgrown your job or the place you're working at, or maybe both. Good luck at this NAB thing. Hopefully you'll meet some new people and make connections that will lead you to bigger and better things...