Thursday, January 24, 2008

NBC Nightly News

I celebrated MLK day by hopping in a live truck at 6 a.m. with Johnell Johnson and getting it down I-77 to Columbia where the Democratic presidential candidates were campaigning for Saturday's primary. It started with a church service downtown and was followed by Barack Obama marching with hundreds of others to the state house where the NAACP held a big assed rally in honor of Dr. King. It was a very, very busy day for Johnell and I so I didn't have a chance to snap any good pics. Except for one. I was scanning the huge crowd and noticed a distinguished white haired dude about 70 yards away.
It was Tom Freakin' Brokaw! They don't make them like Tom anymore. I like to think I don't get starstruck after ten years in this business, but it was cool to see Brokaw. More Americans watched him in the post Cronkite era than anyone else. He was interviewing a bunch of people in the crowd. I'm not sure what for, but it was nice to see a legend in action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love tom brokaw! did you see the special he did recently on 1968? i was a lil obsessed with it...