Friday, August 18, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Widower

For whatever reason, I've always had close friends who were older than me. Even when I was a teenager, a lot of my friends were older. My friend Stash turned 55 last week. That's two years older than my dad. Stash isn't necessarily a father figure to me, but he's someone who's always passed down some fatherly advice. He grew up in North Kannapolis. He's been married a few times and done a lot of living. His latest wife, Robyn died just before Christmas last year of a weird disease she contracted following a spider bite. Stash loved her to death. He wrote this on the day she died.
I lost my best friend and wife today and the world lost a damn good person. I held her as she died and I count my blessings that I was lucky enough to have her. I wish for all y'all to have someone that loves you. I am pretty pissed off that sorry whale shit eating son of a bitches get to walk the street everyday and I have to lose Robyn but I will make it because I did get to love her. Thanks for all the support and Prayers.I started here a long time ago and I have said things and done things that I probably shouldn't have but through it all we made it and we have been there for each other. I appreciate that more than some will ever know. I won't apologize for the things I have done but I will apologize for not sharing Robyn with everyone. She was special and thats why I kept her to my self. I hope that all of y'all find a Robyn in your life and I hope that all will not wait 25 years to tell her how you feel.

That's what I love about Stash. He'll tell you how much he loved his wife and talk about whale shit in the same sentence.

He still runs the costume shop Robyn ran while she was still with us. Honk the horn the next time you drive down East Blvd. He appreciates Miller Lite, too.

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